Posts tagged birth
The Birth of Asher Bumgardner | Kentucky Birth Photography

The birth of Asher was one of the most eventful births that I have attended. His Mom and Dad were more than ready to meet this beautiful little boy however Asher was comfortable in his mother’s womb. After a week over his due date, an induction was planned. We waited and waited for things to process and finally at 4:30am the following morning, I was called to be at the hospital. Once I arrived, within 30 minutes Asher’s mother began pushing. Little did we know that she would push for over four hours!

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Kentucky Birth Photographer | Bristol’s Birth Story

Women have the unique ability to be both tender and strong, both physically and mentally. Our bodies although soft and delicate, are the creators of life and the journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond is a reminder of just how powerful they really are. Childbirth is a transformative process, when a baby is born so is a mother and our bodies deserve to be celebrated for the changes they have undergone to grow and sustain a new life.

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