Kentucky Birth Photographer | Bristol’s Birth Story

There is something so beautiful about birth. What an honor it is to had been chosen to help document these special moments for the Tucker Family. Every mother has a unique story to tell, whether their pregnancy was a planned one, a surprise, a long awaited one through IVF, or they miscarried or even lost a child, we all experience a journey like no other. From the moment we find out we are growing a tiny person inside our womb we are no longer only responsible for ourselves and we learn to accept that our bodies, which will go through continuous changes, are no longer out own. As we watch our bellies swell and begin to feel those tiny kicks, our hearts grow bigger than we could have ever imagined. Our identity goes through a significant shift, and we become a part of the sacred circle of motherhood.

Women have the unique ability to be both tender and strong, both physically and mentally. Our bodies although soft and delicate, are the creators of life and the journey through pregnancy, birth, and beyond is a reminder of just how powerful they really are. Childbirth is a transformative process, when a baby is born so is a mother and our bodies deserve to be celebrated for the changes they have undergone to grow and sustain a new life.

As a mother myself, I am naturally drawn to the intimate bond between mothers and their babies. And as a photographer I am continuously inspired by the real, the raw, and the beauty in the intimate connections of families. Birth photography to me is not just about documenting the birth of a child, it is also about documenting intimate portraits of the new beginnings as a mother, as a father, as a grandmother, as a brother, as a sister. All of the moments count. All of the nervousness in the beginning, all of the laughs shared with an awaiting group of family members, all the love, all the hugs, all the tears, and comfort. All of what makes you a family.

Ashley contacted me a few days before Bristol was due to be born. I remember laying on the couch, cuddling my sleeping baby girl, and watching a TV show with my husband and son. I try my best to unplug during those moments of relaxation with my family but I couldn’t help but jump up from the couch and reply back to her as soon as I could. I was just that excited to have a mama who was interested in having her birth documented, for this is something I am very passionate about.

Ashley and her family made me feel like I was a part of their big family. I loved hearing them share stories of how Ashley and Kyle first met, how they fell in love, and how Bristol was love even before she was ever conceived. It was absolutely beautiful, the whole experience of Bristol’s birth. Ashley was incredibly strong and with every push, Kyle kept encouraging her to keep going and just how beautiful she was in those moments.

When Bristol was finally earthside, we all bawled. Kyle, Ashley, and me. I couldn’t help but shred tears of joy myself because wow, what an amazing birth it was to witness. And as you can tell through these images, there was such an amazing group of support from the family, the team of nurses and doctors, and the parent’s of a gorgeous baby girl. It made my heart full of joy to be able to help preserve such an amazing day for them and to even had been able to help aid Ashley in her first moments breastfeeding her baby girl.

I am in tears as I type all of this out, for these photos bring my heart so much joy. I can only hope for the same and more for the Tucker family. I truly hope they love reflecting back over this amazing day and remember all of the love, laughs, and joy Bristol’s birth Brough to them. Thank you Tuckers, for allowing me to be a part of your day and to see you at your most vulnerable and raw time, to help you collect these memories. I love you all so so so much!!!