The Birth of Asher Bumgardner | Kentucky Birth Photography

The birth of Asher was one of the most eventful births that I have attended. His Mom and Dad were more than ready to meet this beautiful little boy however Asher was comfortable in his mother’s womb. After a week over his due date, an induction was planned. We waited and waited for things to progress and finally at 4:30am the following morning, I was called to be at the hospital. Once I arrived, within 30 minutes Asher’s mother began pushing. Little did we know that she would push for over four hours!

Asher was what they call “Sunny Side” up, which makes it harder for the head to make it through the birth canal. His mom fought so hard to bring him earth side. After the mention of a possible C-section, his mother gave it everything she had left in her and with the help of the doctor who had gave a vacuum a try, they worked together to finally bring Asher into the world. It was an emotional rollercoaster in the birthing room and Asher sure did keep us all on our toes. The moment we saw his beautiful face, relief washed over us all.

His family was so excited to see him and Asher was surrounded by all the love. I couldn’t be more proud of Kendra and Sean, as they took on the roles of parenthood like champs. What an amazing site it was to watch the strength and power of his mother. We all cried Happy tears as they laid Asher on his mother’s chest and rejoiced in his health.

“The whole experience was surreal, and I definitely know that God was in the room. I’m so thankful to have had such an amazing support system in the room. I will never regret having India as my photographer for any occasion, but especially for the birth of my son. The entire time is a blur, but there are moments I completely do not recall and when seeing the pictures for the first time I often asked Sean “when did that happen?” Or he would say “this was when...” and I’d have no idea that it had happened other wise. ” - Kendra

“There is a secret in our culture, and it’s not that birth is painful. It’s that women are strong.”

—Laura Stavoe Harm