The Williams Wedding | The 5th Quarter | Somerset, Kentucky

I first met Brandon and Aqualyn when they were pregnant with their sweet baby girl, Hazel. So when they got engaged and Aqualyn asked me to photograph their big day, I couldn’t had been more honored. From the Venue, to the decor, and the amazing color scheme; Ya’ll this wedding was gorgeous! But nothing was more inspiring than seeing the look on Brandon’s face when he saw his bride. I am pretty sure he had us all crying.

Aqualyn was such a laid back Bride and I loved how confident she was with everything. Sometimes it is just best not to stress the little things and enjoy the day. One of my favorite things was when the Bride and Groom requested to eat dinner alone. I thought that was so sweet because usually the bride and groom is bombarded with congratulations.

When they entered the reception, you could tell they felt refreshed and ready to celebrate with their loved ones. Another fun fact is that Aqualyn’s last name was already Williams. How cool is it that she doesn’t have to worry about changing her last name!

You could feel the love within this group of family and friends. Taylor and I had such a fun time working with everyone. The highlight was watching the kids get turnt more than the adults. I loved it!!!! Thank you Aqualyn and Brandon for allowing us to be a small part of your big day. You are so loved and appreciated. Congratulations!!!!!

