Brazen Botanicals | Calli Burke Headshots | Kentucky Small Business

I am beyond excited to share these images with you all as well as Calli’s words about her business “Brazen Botanicals” Calli is one of those women who carries the presents of God strongly in all that she does and says. I view her as a little angel God sent to me and my family, to help us grow in our faith, and provide a safe place for my family. Everything she does, and I mean everything, she makes sure it honors God.

How powerful is that? How badly is that needed in our world today? I want to strive to be more like her in many ways and I truly appreciated everything she creates with her business.

If you don’t know Calli and her Family’s story, I will link her website blog About Me HERE for you to read. She has such powerful testimonies throughout her story. God is using her for such amazing things and to be a able to be a witness is purely amazing. He is so good.

Also to learn more about Brazen Botanicals (And I highly encourage you to do so) click HERE.

Now before we scroll through the images, I wanted to share some of Calli’s words about her passions and what made her create this business. <3

“ I enjoy focusing on God and his goodness of creation power. When I was a little girl I was so intrigued and enamored with just the intricacies of Nature. I truly enjoyed studying all of the different types of flowers and insects. I have always had this natural yearning to know more and to work with what God has put here on this Earth.

As I got older, God just called my heart so heavily to strengthen my Fatih. It made me appreciate his creation so much more. To know that everything we see on the ground is either edible or can be use medicinally or therapeutically. Even how things grow in the seasons according to what our body needs.

I have really enjoy growing into my roots. God has brought me revelation after revelation of how to lead this company and how to keep it true to his purpose for these things. A christian herbalist is not a thing that you often find. A lot of time these are looked upon as spells & witch craft so I want to take this and use it for God, to keep it as intended as according to scripture.

Going back to the idea of creation power and the goodness of it, when I find myself grieving over the loss of my son Avram and one of the biggest things that helped me other than turning to God and scripture and the village, was by creating things. Creating things that will help people whether it was a candle that was warm, inviting, and smelled good, or a lotion that could help heal a wound - There is something to creating things and working with your hands and making something that can help people that brings joy to your soul. We are not made with empty purpose. We are made to do things and to support ourselves and others.

I wanted to share a few verses that is so fitting to Calli’s vision on her business.

Proverbs 31:13
She seeks wool and flax,
and works with willing hands.

Ephesians 4:28
Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor,
doing honest work with his own hands,
so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.