CHANGES I AM MAKING IN 2020 | Kentucky Photographer


It seems like every year we find ourselves repeating the same statement “Wow, where did the year go?” . Month after Month (especially as a mother) I always wonder how time can fly by so quickly. Like please…. slow down a little? I am in no hurry! I am sure most of us have also had those years where we wonder what in the world did we do? How are we any different than last year? And because of that, what I want to change.

 I want 2020 to be different!

I want 2020 to be an intentional year not only for my photography business but for all aspects of my life. I want everything that I do to have a purpose, a reason and meaning behind it. So that when I remind myself of my new years resolutions, I will hold myself accountable for them.

Which brings me to this:



Take more Pictures

Now I know what you are already thinking. "Um India, you are a photographer... you take pictures all the time..."

But here is what I mean by this. To be totally honest, I am not the photographer that is always holding their camera. And I am so guilty of putting it away and never touching it until my next photoshoot. This is something I regret because so many times I have been doing something and think to myself "ugh I really wish I had my camera!". Especially when it comes to my children. And yes of course Iphones make this a little bit easier because its like having a camera in your back pocket (with not as epic quality). I want to document all of the little memories in my day to day life, with more than just a iPhone photo.

Shoot what I am passionate for

I am sure all of my photographer friends can feel me on this one, if you take on inquires that you are not passionate about, you can get burn out quick. in 2017 when I was pregnant with my daughter, I took on everything! I had a part time job as a receptionist at my mother’s K-9 training center business as well as ran a photography business, and we can totally count being a stay at home mom as a job as well (Kambryn actually went to work with me at my mother’s business….. yeah…. it was hard lol). I took on everything from Weddings, Second Shooting, Seniors, Couples, Families, Motherhood, Maternity, two births, birthday parties, business parties, all of the things that were sent my way I accepted.

Which is ok! However, my passion did not lay with each of those inquires. Not that I didn’t treat them that way, I am just being honest here. I don’t have a passion for birthday sessions or business parties because I absolutely LOVE photographing connections between a family or couple, the love a mother shares with her child or the way a husband look’s at his newly wedded bride. Parties lack emotive connections for me & They’re just not where my passion lies. As well as Senior sessions, when it comes to portraits, there isn’t someone there for my client to connect with and for me, that is hard to capture.

And you know what, it is okay to not have passion for certain things in photography. We have such a wonderful and growing community of photographers around us that our passions all vary and it is those differences that make our community so beautiful and we each have something unique to offer. I think that’s pretty awesome. Anyways, I am sure I can make a whole blog post on this subject and I actually might do that.


Connect more

This one is something I really struggle with and is honestly pretty much out of my comfort zone. Don’t get me wrong, I love people! Which is why my job is so perfect because I can learn their stories, capture their feelings and make so many new friends!

But what I honestly struggle with is connecting with people who are outside of my clientele. I want to reach out to more creatives in my area or online! I want to make more photographer friends that share these same passions that I do and I can thrive with them and learn with them. Or even just go get coffee with them. My point is, I want to reach out to people that are not in my usual bubble and see where things go!

Not just with my photography, but with the homeschooling community in my area for my children as well. I could always use more Mom Friends! People who share the same hobbies (besides photography) like writing and loving Jesus.


Let it goooooo

If you did not sing that in the Frozen musical way then we can not be friends. Haha jk... sorta. Every since Disney Plus has came out, my children have discovered their love for the movie and I want to say we have watched it at least 30 times since November…… I might know the songs word for word now.

Anyways, back on topic! Iif there is one thing that I have felt myself going through at the end of 2019 it would be a season of relaxing and learning how to let some things go. Learning how to remove weight off my shoulders that I put there myself. I am a total control freak and will consistently pile on more things to do in order to make sure they got done to my definition of what correct is. I know, I am crazy lol.

Find Balance

Ok, this one is a BIG one. Where are my Business Owners/Self Employed/ Work from Home Mama’s out there at? 🤚 Because ya girl struggles big time with balancing all of my roles from wife, mother, business owner, friend, all of the roles. I just don’t seem to have enough time in the day, week, month, YEAR to complete everything I want to do. Especially with fitting in work, homeschooling, and finding time with loved ones.

I seriously feel like the worlds worst friend this past year because I was so focused on my business goals and trying to spend my free time with my family as much as possible because I felt so guilty for workin so much….. that it left me with little time for my friends. I know, I hate to admit it. SO something I really want to work on is balancing all of my roles. Which means, not over scheduling myself. Yes, I LOVEEEEE what I do, and when someone comes to me with an inquire, I have a hard time passing it up and try to cram it into my schedule as soon as I can.

I am just as excited as my client’s about their sessions and again, I love what I do. I love this career. I love my clients. However, it’s not bad idea to schedule myself a day off. Something I might give a try for these first few months of 2020 is taking off every Sunday and at least 1 week day, so that I can unplug, recharge, and give my 100% focus to my babies. Once busy season starts… I might take off every other Sunday. Again, this is something I am working the details on lol.

To give more

Last year I started a new project where I can give back to those who have or are going through something tragic. You can learn more about the Reflections of Hope Project by clicking here. I hope that my project can reach other’s and I would love to help make a difference in someone’s life with helping them document or preserve a moment. Last year I got to help five families and even though it wasn’t an easy task and my heart broke so many times (still does, they are on my mind every day), It felt really good to simple show the love of God through this project.

I also would love to give more to my church not only money wise but to be a bigger part of my church. This past Sunday I had the opportunity to photograph the baptisms and ya’ll, it was epic!!! Being a part of a church is something I have never had before until I joined The Creek Church. I finally feel at home and the more I am around their community and hearing their teachings, the more I feel closer to God.

Getting Closer To God

Which leads me to this last resolution I want to share with you all today, I want everything that I do to be something that will bring me closer to God and will also be something God would be proud of me for. Even though photography is the way that I provide for my family, it is something SO MUCH MORE than just an income. As listed above, its a way I can give back, it’s a way I can show love in an artist form, it helps me to connect with people and help others, and just all the things. Everything, from my job, to my church, to my family, to my friends; anything that I do I want it to be with God in my heart and mind and purpose. THAT is my BIGGEST 2020 goal.


That is just a few of my resolutions, I have set myself a lot of resolutions and goals for this next year. And I really hope I can keep myself accountable for them all. Now I am curious friends...

What are you going to be intentional about this year?

What kinds of things are you going to hold yourself accountable for?

 And remember that each day is what you make it

Happy New Year Y'all!

- India