Posts tagged tipful Tuesday
Tipful Thursday | Why most photographers don’t give RAW images

When I first started my business, I used to get asked a lot if I would be willing to give my RAW files to a client. They thought that maybe it would give them a discount if they didn't need the photos edited along with a variety of other reasons. But this is something that I have been against since day one. I never liked the idea of handing out unedited photos for a few reasons, and this is why;

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What do I do during the Photography Slow Season? | Kentucky Photographer | Tips For Photographers

Guess what friends, slow season is here and to be honest, I have a love/hate relationship with it! For most photographers, the winter months mean a lot less inquiries and emails and appointments to manage. Fall is typically such a crazy time as well as trying to schedule in those Christmas Card photos and many photographers look forward to those quiet, slow days where we can recover from ‘busy season’.

However, as most entrepreneurs, we must stay busy and after a few weeks (days, or maybe even hours!) of the slow life, we start wondering if anyone will ever hire us again, where everyone went, and just WHAT ON EARTH are we supposed to do with all of this TIME?!

I am here with fifteen ideas for things to keep you super busy during that slow season. Because if you are working ON your business during the times you aren’t working IN your business, there should never be a ‘SLOW’ season, just seasons for different parts of running your photography business! Right?

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