Springfield, Kentucky | Lifestyle Newborn Session | The Leechmans


Olivia’s At Home Newborn Session

Authentic Motherhood

Okay…… let’s talk about this epic GIF I made for Katie and John Michael, I mean….. I had to make this. It was such a calm moment that the new mother and father were having together. And then all of the sudden Olivia decided to just, let it go. It was truly comical. If this doesn’t say motherhood, I don’t know what else does.

You can celebrate your imperfect love right now. No need to wait for a milestone or 'til you’ve ‘arrived.’

The galleries I send tend to be a mix of photos of your child’s favorite toys, close-ups of nose scrunches, tender moments between siblings, silly faces, so many hugs and kisses, and a liquid that will inevitably spill…. pun intended. Of course I try to throw in a few standard smiling photos for Grandma, but I see photographs as a record, and more importantly, a story that deepens your own understanding of yourself and the legacy you are leaving with your children and grandchildren.

I try to keep my ‘ear to the ground’ so to speak as much as possible to listen to the rhythm of your family — whether it’s loud, quiet, traditional, modern, silly, crazy, or anything else. That’s why a routine you go through is the best way to get an unfiltered look into your lives. It’s ok if the kids scream, or someone melts down. In fact, I’d be disappointed if they all behaved perfectly! I know that part of your story as a family includes the highs and lows, and I wouldn’t want to miss any part of it.

When I think back to the fondest memories in my life, they will always be when my babies are little, having the opportunity to love and nurture them, to be their everything. Not a day goes by that I am not immensely grateful for the gift of Motherhood and telling these powerful stories for other Mothers truly is where I feel found. Knowing they will have these heirlooms to look back on just brings so much meaning and depth to this role; it is the greatest gift to me too. This beautiful Mama loves her baby girl with the fiercest love and watching Katie grasp this role of Motherhood has been so very beautiful. The very same for John Michael, who is one of the most hard working and loving fathers I have had the pleasure of meeting.

Your love inspires me. Bring me your real, your unique, your connection and I'll do the rest. Let the kids be kids and just relax a little. Loosen up, be yourselves and show me your you. Love on your people and I'll show you the beauty that I see within your family.

This is what the Leechman family entrusted in me. I drove all the way to Springfield, Kentucky which is about two hours away from my home in Nancy. It was so worth it not just to capture these precious moments for this family but the friendship I have build with them. I wish so badly that we lived closer by because I truly feel a soul connection with Katie, with this whole family.

That is one of the biggest blessing from this job, having the opportunity to meet some of the most amazing people. To find a connection with people who value your art but also your mind and soul. It’s so refreshing and so heartwarming. I am truly grateful for this path that God has laid before me. I only want to use this passion and give back to others.