The Mayfield's Adoption Story | Reflections Of Hope

I have known Tasha and Shane for the last five years. I first met them to photograph their wedding and let me tell you, when I first sat down to talk to Tasha we clicked instantly! I felt like I had known her my whole life and even five years later we still have that same connection. God has an amazing way of placing people into your life that truly leave a positive impact, and that is what Shane and Tasha did for my husband, my kids, and myself.

They have went through so much in the past five years and I won’t go into the details, however I will share something that Tasha shared with me:

“Shane and I are high school sweethearts and have been together 16 years. Married for 5 of those. Our journey has been amazing but we have just been missing 1 thing-children and the fulfillment of our desire to be parents. We love kids and helping them to be successful, have fun, and constantly learn something new. We are both unable to have children and have tried for 5 years to become pregnant. Many doctors, tests, and negative pregnancy tests have led us to this journey: Adoption! We always wanted to adopt but never saw ourselves “ready” and honestly really scared of the whole process. God has blessed us with the strength and confidence to start this journey in June of this year! We have funded $27,000 out of pocket and hoping to raise (through fundraising) another $25,000 for court costs, lawyers, and travel. We are with an agency that works closely with the birth mothers and help them chose the best fit for what they are looking for to raise their child/children. We are open to any race, any gender, sibling groups, and disabilities that we can help manage while also working full time. We are ready to welcome our child(ren) into our Christian, Loving home. Shane and I love each other so much and look forward to sharing our love with our future family.”

I was beyond honored to help them document this exciting time in their lives as well as give them some updated photos that will hopefully help them with the adoption of their future child/children. We have a Part 2 session coming up and I can not wait! Below is two things: 1. is the link to their Go Fund Me Account. If you would like to help them raise the money needed to fund their adoption, it would absolutely mean the world to them. 2. Here are some of the highlights from their session. I mean, look how cute they are I had to show them off. Peep the cute little girl who wanted to take a photo with Aunt Tasha & Uncle Shane (ps. it’s my daughter Madylin. Kambryn woke from a nap & was feeling grouchy lol).

We love you Mr. & Mrs. Mayfield. It was an honor to photograph the day you became husband and wife and now it’s an even bigger honor to document this journey for you. Thank you for allowing me to be the one to do this for you and for loving my babies as much as you so. As Kambryn had said “Tasha is so cool, I love her”. ♥️

You can Donate 3 different ways: Go Fund Me page, PayPal, or Venmo.


Venmo: LaTasha-Mayfield

Shane & Tasha’s Go Fund Me Account

Also to add that Tasha and Shane are having a yard sale, striving for the first weekend in October (2nd and 3rd) and are taking donations. If you would like to donate, you can contact them HERE.