Reflections Of Hope: Elliott Burkhart's Story
Hello Friends. I have a big announcement to make! This year I started a new photography project called Reflections of Hope. This is a photography project that helps to document and preserve the stories of families who have experienced loss, illness, and heartbreak and to help preserve through these times with strength and hope. The amazing families that are part of this project are gifted a professional photoshoot and lasting tangible memories.
“For everything, absolutely everything, above and below, visible and invisible… everything got started in Him and finds its purpose in Him. — Colossians 1:16”
A few months ago, I was asked to help preserve memories for a family I had never meet before. This was asked from a dear friend and at first I wanted to say no and run far away, mainly because I didn’t think I could handle something so heart breaking. Instead of telling her no right away, I decided to take some time to think about it deeply, as I have such a strong passion for helping others. I have a huge heart and I am sensitive when it comes to witnessing heartbreak and pain.
With a lot of deep talks with God and praying every day or two weeks, God spoke to me in powerful way and I felt my courage grow. This project came to my mind and I know it was him placing it onto my heart. I have helped a few close families in the past to preserve memories of loved ones with cancer but never to this extent. I found myself asking God, “Is this something that I can find the strength to do?” and every time I felt a sudden calm and I knew this was what he was asking me to do. He will provide the strength for me. It is only in God that we discover our origin, our identity, our meaning, our purpose, our significance, and our destiny.
Photography is powerful in so many ways but this is a whole new level and it brings me to tears to even think about families being in pain. If I can help someone by aiding in helping them to document a precious moment in their life and provide some love and support for them, then I am all for it. Sign me up God, for I am happy to live the life you want for me.
To find out more information on this project you can click here.
“Isaiah 41:10 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
My second project of Reflections of Hope was with the sweet Burkhart family. On 1/31/19 Taylor found herself sitting in the ER with her husband, Sam, after experiencing bleeding at home. After finding out that everything was okay with the bleeding and hearing their daughter’s strong heartbeat, everything seemed to be okay. Shortly after they were told that Elliot has Anencephaly, a fatal birth defect where the skull and brain doesn’t fully form. Her diagnosis was confirmed twice about five days later. The doctors have told Taylor that she had options but to Taylor, there were no other options. Elliot is her daughter and just because of this diagnosis, doesn’t mean that she isn’t very much alive and doesn’t have a purpose. That is far from the truth.
This is something that no family want’s to hear or have to live with. Taylor’s faith is strong and her trust in God is truly inspiring as well as her strength. My heart breaks for this family so much and any other family who is dealing with the same or a similar issue. Taylor wants nothing more than to help rasie awareness because this could happen to anyone. She has helped raise money for Anencephaly Hope and LHAAF: The Luca Hill Acrania and Anencephaly Foundation. Taylor is truly such an amazing person.
Anencephaly is rare but it also is not, if that makes sense. It’s rare in the fact that no one talks about it. Doctors don’t even know exactly how to treat or help prepare a mother for it. It’s linked to lack of folic acid. To help the prevention of anencephaly, it is recommend before even trying to become pregnant to take folic acid.
The saddest part about it, as Taylor had told me, “After I found out about Elliotts diagnosis, every doctor except the one who I am now seeing in London, recommended termination. I don’t know if it’s because they don’t know what to do or how to handle it or what, but it’s sad because a lot of women feel like they are being pressured into it. But even babies with anencephaly are important they do matter whether they are born to not live long or not live at all. Doctors should treat our babies like they are important too. Because she moves like crazy and I love getting to see her on ultrasounds, and all I want is for people to know she matters.”. Elliot and every single baby has a purpose!
To read more about Elliot’s story, you can read Taylor’s Personal Blog by clicking here and also she has a Facebook Group that I would encourage everyone to follow and take part of this growing movement. Help us raise awareness for Anencephaly. Thank you so much to the Burkharts for allowing me into your beautiful home, for welcoming me with open arms, and blessing me with helping you all document these special moments that you have with Elliot. What a beautiful and so so loved baby girl she is. It truly is an honor and I hope to help raise awareness for Anencephaly.
“Joshua 1:9 Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”