Kentucky Engagement Photographer | Couple Photography | Madison & Devin's Engagement Story

I had the pleasure of first working with Madison and Devin during their maternity session almost a year ago. Instantly, I could sense the true love that they had for one another and it is always so refreshing to witness a couple so in love. The way Devin’s eyes would sparkle at the site of her, how Madison held a gorgeous smile every time she would look over at him, everything about them belonged in a romantic movie.

Now, as we plan for their wedding in June, I can’t help but allow my excitement to grow for the day. I can not wait to see Madison in her dress or the way Devin will look at her as he first sees her, or most of all, their sweet baby boy witnessing the union between his parents. I’m getting teary eyed just thinking about it. I have grown a special place for this wonderful couple and am so honored to be able to help them document some of the most precious moments in their life.

To go along with their engagement session photos, I asked Madison some questions about her and Devin’s story. Something I really want to focus on this year is helping to tell people’s stories and to have them go along with their images in blog posts. Because our stories are just as important and can make the collection of images even more special. I love all things storytelling, hints the name of my business. It means to world to me to help my client’s preserve these chapters of their lives to be treasured for always.

1. How did you two meet?

We met when we were really young. My dad worked on his dad’s dairy farm. Then we started talking again when I was a Junior in high school. We talked for months as friends before we ever even went out together.

2. What was your first impression of him?

My first impression was “Wow, there’s no way he’s actually this nice” .

(Had to add that I thought the very same thing about my husband when we first started talking!)

3. What was Devin’s first impression of you?

He says his first impression of me was that I was the most beautiful girl he’d ever seen, every time I ask.

4. What was the moment that you knew you that Devin was the one for you?

I knew he was the one for me the first day we hung out. We’ve clicked from day one. I always say, when ya know ya know. He’s the only one who can calm me when I’m at my worst. He truly is my safe place. I’m not just saying that to be mushy. He always reassures me no matter what and tells me I’m his best friend every night. Always tells me how beautiful I am. I could go on and on

(Insert all of the heart eyes!)

5. How did you all tell each other you first loved one another?

He told me he loved me by accident on the phone like a month into dating, and I laughed it off. Then later that night he told me he was in love with me.

6. What’s one of your all time favorite memories with one another (so far)?

My all time favorite memory with him is most definitely when I gave birth to Easton. I swear it was like the best day of my life.

7. How did he purpose?

He proposed in Easton’s nursery on my birthday, while I was changing him lol.

8. How did you feel in that moment?

I’m excited to be married, because I can’t wait to continue building my life with this man! We’ve come so far already. He truly is my best friend.

9. What are you most excited about getting married?

Most exciting part... that I’m in charge of everything lol. I’m just kidding, probably just getting to plan out my dream wedding in general & not stress about it because I’ll be happy no matter what.

10. Where do you plan on going for your honeymoon?

We’re probably just gonna take a weekend to ourselves on the lake for our honeymoon so I don’t have to leave baby

11. Any advice you’d like to give to any future bride to be’s?

Future advice, DONT stress and DONT spend too much money. I was so worried about money and planning we almost eloped, but we decided to just make everything ourselves with family and cut the cost, and it’s been so worth it!