Kentucky Family Photographer | The Davis Family Story

Hey Everyone! This is the very first blog post to my new website and I am super pumped to share The Davis’ love story with each of you. I first met Ariana and Hunter back in the Fall of 2014. This was the year I first started my photography business and it warms my heart knowing that Ariana and Hunter trusted me, even back then as a beginner, with their special moments.

We first scheduled Ariana’s senior photos but turned it into a super fun couple’s session which we all still love to reflect back upon. Remembering the way these two love birds looked at one another back then and seeing them now, as a happily married couple with a one year old daughter, my heart melts. This little family has trusted me time and time again with helping them document such special moment’s in their journey together and THIS people, is why I love what I do!

I asked Ariana to share with me one image from each of our sessions that is her favorite and also I asked her a ton of questions about Hunter and her’s life together. She has sweetly agreed to share and I am tickled to death to post this sweet love story to go along with images from their most recent session with me.

Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart, Ariana and Hunter. You have showed me such true friendship, warming love, and amazing support throughout the years. I am always thankful to God for bringing you all into my life and for allowing us to build such a strong bond, not just through my photography. I adore you all and thank you for sharing a piece of YOU.

1: How did you & Hunter first meet?

Hunter and I first met back in 2010 when I was living with my bestfriend down in sloan's valley (which is also where he lived) and his cousin started dating my bestfriend so they came around a lot and believe it or not i actually didn't like hunter at first lol i felt like he came on a little strong and was a big flirt and at that time that wasn't appealing to me

2: How would you compare our first session back in 2014 to the most recent? How do feel when you reflect back to all of those captured moments? (Thank you for allowing me to document such amazing times in your life girl)

The first session back in 2014 was great and I still love the pics that we got from it, that was the first time we had ever got our pictures done so we were kinda uncomfortable and didn't really know what to do. When I reflect back on them it reminds me of what it was like in the beginning of our relationship and I just feel really happy


3: What was it that made you realize that Hunter was the one for you?

Hunter was the only person in my life who actually stuck around. He is the only person who really wanted to stay, I don't mean old boyfriends or relationships I was in before either I mean in general the only person and for that I'm so grateful (plus he sings to me ) and that's what made me realize he was the one

4: What was it for him?

He says that everytime he looks into my eyes he gets lost and that he's never experienced that with anyone else

5: How’d he purpose and of course, how did you feel girl?!?

the day hunter bought my ring he showed it to me because he was so excited, he had already talked to my dad and his mom but I wanted it on video so we pretty much staged the whole thing lol that's why it's so awkward but I still got butterflies when he did it, it was cool to look at the ring and talk about it but when he proposed that's when I knew it was real.


6: Share a little bit about your wedding day!

Our wedding day was CRAZY to say the least! I didn't expect any of the stuff that happened to happen. First the power went out and me and my bridesmaids hadn't finished getting ready, then the music went out, all except for the song I walked down the isle to, one of my bridesmaids bailed out on me at the last minute, and it poured the rain (which really didn't bother me but it scared everyone off) but none if that mattered to me, the day was over in the bling of an eye after I said I do I hardly even remember it all i could think about was him and our future.


7: How did you find out you were pregnant? How’d you feel in that moment?

Hunter and I had orginally decided to wait a few years after being married but then after the wedding we were too excited to start our future that we couldn't wait and started trying immediately, to be honest I didn't think it was going to happen so fast because a month after the wedding I took a test, barely looked and it and through it away, I went home on my lunch break and before going back to work I used the bathroom, something told me to get the test from that morning out and look at it and sure enough it was positive! I got out of there and ran next door where hunters older sister was living and asked if this meant I was pregnant while balling my eyes out, she was crying too saying yes it does! (She was pregnant too) I had already told hunter the test was negative so that evening when I got home I wrote "your gonna be a daddy" on a small chalk board and put it around our dog's collar and he lost it! I couldn't believe God had blessed me so much, I got down on my knees and thanked I'm that night for the biggest blessing i had ever received


8: What were you most excited about being a mama?

The thing I was most excited for was finding out what I was having, I wanted a little boy but I knew I was having a sweet girl. I which was obviously fine but I would tear up everytime I thought of hunter playing with a sweet baby boy, once I found out it was a girl it was all over, I knew I was going to get to raise my best friend

9: When you found out you were having a daughter, what was the first thing you wanted to do?

The first thing I wanted to do was decorate the nursery, I couldn't wait to make it a baby girl's paradise and stock up on bows!

10: How’d you pick her name?

Karlie Ruth was named after the country singer carly Pearce, I love her but carly it kinda common so i just changed the spelling a little, and ruth is hunters great grandmas name, everytime we say Karlie ruth in front of his mamaw she says how proud her mama would be

11: Best thing/moment about being pregnant? Worst?

The best thing about being pregnant was feeling my sweet baby girl kick, just her way of saying hi momma! And the worst...I could go all day lol but I wont because honestly I'm lucky to have the privilege of carrying my girl, but seriously heart burn was the WORST.


12: Any advice you’d like to share about pregnancy and those first few weeks of motherhood?

f your still pregnant get ready because your whole life is about to change but take the time to SLEEP girl seriously you can kiss that goodbye when baby gets here! And if your still in the first few weeks, enjoy the middle of the night feedings when it's just you too, those were my favorites. Sometimes I would stay awake a little longer just to watch her sleep, now shes a big girl in her crib all night and I'll never have that again but I'll always treasure the memories

13: How’d you handle the newness of motherhood? Who or what was your biggest help?

HUNTER A THOUSAND TIMES HUNTER. For some reason he got my motherly instincts and honestly it's just not fair lol eventually I got the hang of it but it's like he knew what to do immediately and I'm still a little freaked out/grateful for it


14: How has the first year of motherhood been?

The first year of motherhood has been the best year of my life, I have learned so much and so has she we are still learning new stuff everyday and I'm falling more and more in love everyday


15: Share one of your favorite recent memories with your daughter.

Karlie and I have this thing where we growl at each other lol and earlier we were doing that back and forth for a good 10 mins and she just laughs everytime and the last time she did it we were just rolling, when we both calmed down she gave me the best hug I've ever had in my life, wrapped both arms around my neck and just held me, I held her back and told her I love her so pieces and I always would and then she went off and played with her toys but I'm that moment my life stopped and it was just me and her