Brianna VanHook | Mommy & Me | Lake Cumberland

Every mother has a unique story to tell, whether their pregnancy was a planned one, a surprise, a long awaited one through IVF, or they miscarried or even lost a child, we all experience a journey like no other. From the moment we find out we are growing a tiny person inside our womb we are no longer only responsible for ourselves, and we learn to accept that our bodies, which will go through continuous changes are no longer our own. As we watch our bellies swell and begin to feel those tiny kicks, our hearts grow bigger than we could have ever imaged, our identity goes through a significant shift, and we become a part of the sacred circle of motherhood

Women have the unique ability to be both tender and strong, both physically and mentally. Our bodies although soft and delicate, are the creators of life and the journey through pregnancy, birth and beyond is a reminder of just how powerful they really are. Childbirth is a transformative process, when a baby is born so is a mother and our bodies deserve to be celebrated for the changes they have undergone to grow and sustain a new life. We are natural nurturers, we love fiercely and would go to any lengths to protect our babies, and it is this bond that keeps us strong through the sleepless nights, and the days where we have nothing left to give. 

As a mother myself, I am naturally drawn to the intimate bond between mothers and their babies. It is why I love photographing motherhood moments, no matter what stage they are in, because this journey is worth documenting. Below is one of my favorite Motherhood sessions from last year with my dear friend Brianna who is one of the best Mamas I know.

"In a child’s eyes, a mother is a goddess. She can be glorious or terrible, benevolent or filled with wrath, but she commands love either way. I am convinced that this is the greatest power in the universe"

— N.K. Jemisin