Kentucky Family Photographer | Mill Springs, Kentucky | The Mosley Family

There is an endearing tenderness in the love of a mother to a child that transcends all other affections of the heart.

These moments are real. Nothing staged or overly posed. I was an observer. An admirer.

I use to carry this weight of responsibility. But as I’ve grown as an artist, the more I let that responsibility go.  I’m inspired by the natural rhythm of your family. I may tell you where to stand and tweak a few minor things but the rest is up to you.  I really like to let your kids guide us and your relationship unfold. That’s when the true magic happens.

These new parents were so smitten and completely in love with their baby girl. I don’t know how to explain it but there is a huge difference when seeing something in person and then seeing something unfold before you and your able to capture the moment through your lens. It’s almost like a superpower, making that sweet moment freeze in time.

Im not sure if it’s the writer in me or my motherly instincts, maybe it’s a little of both, but little moments like the way your daughter reaches up to touch your cheek, the expression on your spouses face when he looks down at you with such happiness and love, and the strengthening bond between mother and child, it goes unnoticed with me. It’s true life poetry that sometimes words can not describe. Only a captured image can help bring a memory, a feeling, a story to life before you.


I met Jo when I was fifteen years old, I happened to sit in the seat in front of him at an event we were both attending. He introduced himself afterwards, we talked for awhile and then we stayed in touch. Been together for seven going on eight years!

I don’t know if I can pinpoint an exact moment where I thought, “hey, he’s the one.” I think it was something that just happened over time for us, like one day we looked at each other and just knew.

When I found out I was pregnant it was a bit of a surprise! I had been feeling just a tad “off” and was a little later than I normally am and I remembered I had a pregnancy test under the sink. What’s funny is that I totally wasn’t expecting to see two pink lines, I set it on the edge of the tub and went along getting ready like I normally do and when I checked it I just kind of stared at it and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t even tell my husband until that night when I got home from work (after taking like 5 more tests) because I couldn’t believe it was real!

I didn’t love being pregnant. I developed preeclampsia in the third trimester and had to be induced almost immediately, it was pretty scary, I could have died.

I’ll be considered high risk if we ever have another baby.

Her name is Ellison Kate.

I was 8 months pregnant before she had a name. We both love all of the same boy names but have completely different opinions on girl names. I had probably 25 first + middle names that I wrote down and he said no to all of them. And then he would offer suggestions and I would cringe 😂

So after looking at literally hundreds of names we came across the name Ellison. We were both relieved to have found a name that we both liked so it just stuck.

And then for her middle name, we were literally in the drive through at Taco Bell and I said “what about Kate?” And he said “I like Kate” and that was it!

Her almost name was Everleigh Jade

The first few weeks of motherhood were tough, but not as tough as when she developed colic at around 6 weeks.

It’s so important to have a good support system!

Breastfeeding was really really hard for me in the early months. She was a natural, so we didn’t have to try to fix her latch and I have always had a good supply. I just wasn’t prepared for the demand. Countless nights spent clusterfeeding and nursing pretty much every 2 hours around the clock is so so hard. Honestly it’s probably the toughest thing I have ever done. I did EBF for six months and then started solids. Now that we are 8 months out it’s completely different, she only nurses about 3 or 4 times a day + night nursing. It’s so much easier now for sure, and I’m so thankful for being able to provide that nutrition for my daughter. But I was completely blindsided by this part of my motherhood journey. I always hear people say that breastfeeding is free, but I don’t think that it really is.

My tip for a new mom would be to LET PEOPLE HELP YOU. If someone says “if you need anything let me know” ask them to something for you. They want to help. You don’t have to do everything on your on mama!

Must haves: nipple cream, cooling/heating pads, cozy pajamas, receiving blankets to use as burp cloths (they are so much bigger) a stash of snacks and a huge water jug.

Some of my favorite moments from the past 8 months are some of the simplest ones, like the three of us snuggling on Sunday mornings and watching her play with her dad. I also love reading to her in the afternoons with the sunset coming in through the windows (magic!) and taking naps together.

We love being Mosley, part of three. 🖤