Kentucky Photographer | Portrait Session with Taylor Reynolds

I had the opportunity to meet with the lovely Taylor Reynold’s of TayReynolds Photography the other day. I have been following her for quite some time now and was so excited when she informed everyone of her choice to quit her day time job and go full time into the world of photography. As a fellow photographer myself, who took that leap of faith several years ago, I know how much courage that takes! Not only that, but her style of photography is absolutely gorgeous. I haven’t seen anything like it around this area before and I just fell in love!

She is crazy talented but she is truly genuinely such a sweetheart. I love being able to support other local boss babes so I knew I had to book her for my own headshots and ended up getting a few of her as well. This girl needs to look into adding modeling onto her resume, just saying (Do it Taylor! Your gorgeous!). She made our session so laid back and we totally hit it off. I praise God so much for the people he placed into my life. I know our friendship is blossoming and God is the one lead us down our paths.

Here is a little bit of Taylor’s story to go along with her portraits. Her story is very inspiring and I just adore her for her love for God, her passion for photography, and her ambitious spirit.

1. How did you first discover your love for photography?

When I was in 4th grade, I “dressed up” as a photographer. I asked for my first camera a couple of years later for my birthday and ever since I’ve loved photographing all things we see and experience.

2. When did you decide to make it your career? 

I began my business during my senior year of high school and it was my “side job”. Currently I am doing it full time, though I was scared to take that leap. God had tugged on my heart for months and I was too afraid of what my friends and family would think of me, I hate feeling like I’ve disappointed people I love. Small business people are looked down upon for not choosing a career that requires a degree or makes a $100,000 salary so it was intimidating, but I’m so happy doing this it’s all worth the emotions and hardships.

3. What are some of your favorite things about photography?

My favorite things would be capturing peoples relationships and bonds on camera. When I find old photos of my family and I, myself, etc., it never fails to make me smile. I love knowing I’m making that happen for people and they can have those to look back on years later.

4. What are some happy things that your career has brought into your life? 

Where do I begin? It has brought me a new passion, new friends, and new experiences. From traveling to actually photographing, it all makes me incredibly happy.

5. How would you describe your style of art?

My style would be emotionally posed/and warm rustic. I love candid moments and I also love doing different poses with different facial expressions (serious, smiling, laughing, etc). 

6. What inspires you the most?

The arts in general inspires me the most. Music, paintings, photography, just all things art bring me so much inspiration and joy.

7. Biggest business goal?

My biggest business goals are to be able to travel out of the country and just keep making new experiences and friends through this journey.

8. What type of photography do you enjoy photographing the most & why?
I love photographing couples the most. I have been in a committed relationship for about 2 years now and the love I have for him is overwhelming. Seeing others have that same bond, all I want to do is photograph it and give them that opportunity to look back on the photos months/years later and see their growth. 

9. Besides the photography talk, what makes you you? 

The things I’ve been through in my life make me who I am. My highs and lows and relationship with God. If I can do one thing through all of this, it’s to be a witness of the love God gives. The more I listen to his will for me and follow it, the more content my life seems to be

10. Favorite pastime hobbies?
Painting, singing, & spending time with my bf <3

11. You love to sing, right? What kind of music do you love and also enjoy singing?

Yess, I love singing older soul/R&B and country

12. Favorite places on earth that you have been too? 

My favorite place is probably Garden City Beach or good ole Nashville, TN. 

13. Places you’d love to see? 

I would love to travel west! Yellowstone Park is at the top of my list.

14. What advice would you give someone who would like to take the leap of starting their own business?

My advice is just DO IT. I know the doubts and worries fulfill your brain and you just think there’s no way but you have to follow that passion, it’s the best thing you’ll ever do. 

India Tungate