I have been asked many times by past clients if it was okay to include their dog(s) in their session. The answer with me will always be YES! BRING ME ALLLL THE PUPPIES! I absolutely love when they join my shoots. The waggly tails. Slobbery kisses. I’m for it.

Growing up, I always had a dog as a pet. Sometimes more than 1. My mother is also a professional dog trainer, so growing up I was always around Dogs. I have 3 in my own family; Barkley the Shitzu, Charley the Golden Doodle, and our newest member Annabelle The Great Pyrenees. Needless to say, I am comfortable and love dogs.

But what’s the best way to incorporate them into your session? This is one of the top questions I get asked each year. Like anything else there is a lot of wisdom in planning to make it the best experience for not only you but also your fur babe. I’ve discovered a few keys for success! 

Key # 1 - Location


Take your dog’s personality into account. Is she/he really anxious around strangers? A little nervous with a lot going on? Probably avoid busy downtown areas for your session. In large populated spots there are cars, moving lights, traffic noises, other people and animals. It’s an environment you can’t control and isn’t best left up to chance. An uncomfortable dog will translate to your images. Are they aggressive with other animals? Choose a more secluded area and not a main park where there might be tons of other pups present. The key is to get your dog comfortable and if there are a lot of triggers they won’t get there. One of the best style of sessions to include your pets in is a lifestyle at home session. That way they are in their element. Either way, it is always best to be realistic with expectations and do what you can to set them up for success! Only you know their temperament in that way.  

Key # 2 - Full Shoot or half shoot


Do you want your dog in all of the pictures or just a small portion? If we’re in the woods we can often put your leash around a tree a couple of feet from where we’re shooting but I often recommend having a ‘pup handler’ who can hold your furbaby or take them home once they’re done! Anyone from your best friend to your mom is welcome to join us. Many people tend to bring their dogs along for the very beginning of their session. That way they can be fully present with their dog straight out of the gate and then be warmed and ready to go for the rest of the shoot.  

Key # 3 - Weather


How is the weather? Just like you preparing for a scorching hot shoot with ice water and snacks- it’s super important to do the same with pets. Lots of owners will bring a collapsable water bowl, small cooler with treats and keep their dog in the car ac for as long as possible. Choosing your location for the season is key as well. For example, during a steamy, summer day sidewalks can burn paws. In that case I’d opt for a more grassy place like a park, trail or wooded area. Their safety is my #1! 

Key # 4 - Vibes


What kind of pictures do you want with your dog? Choose a setting that aids the vibe you’re dreaming up. If you’re hoping for them to be able to freely run around, play with you and doing happy dog things- outdoorsy locations tend to work best. Think lakes and lowly populated parks where you can hop in the water and throw a ball. Just want a few with you looking at the camera? Then location doesn’t play as big of a factor. Also, there’s no shame in bribery. Bring lots of treats, toys and be prepared for things to move a little slower whole they adjust to my camera. 

Check out some highlighted images below, that I have captured including furbabies! <3

There ya have it friends! Hopefully that helps you feel prepared for the next time you want to hop in front of the camera with your furry friend. Is there anything you would add? Let me know! Can’t wait to love on all the doggos this year.

Please note that I am not just limited to working with Dogs. I welcome all animals; Ducks, Chickens, Cows, Cats, Horses, Birds, you name it I will photograph it! You know you’re animal best, so choosing location, photo amount, treats, ect, is all up to you!