Reflections Of Hope | The Snyder Family

I have known Lashae since 2015 when she used to work for my mother. This girl always lights up a room as soon as she walks in. She’s one of the kindest and sweetest woman I have ever met. Not to mention one heck of a step mom & mother. When I learned that her little family was expected after they had Isabel, my heart was overjoyed! But then something tragic happened and their sweet baby became an angel. My heart broke for Lashea and her family. I couldnt begin to imagine the pain from their loss. So once they became pregnant with thief precious baby boy, I knew I had to do something for her.

And then it hit me! My photography project, of course! I would love to gift her a celebration session! Our Celebrate Sessions are all about celebrating the strength, perseverance, and courage of a family who have travelled a difficult road together. This may be someone in remission from a terminal illness, a family rebuilding their life after the loss of a child, or any similar situation. The aim of these sessions is to celebrate these amazing stories through beautiful images that capture the joy and newfound hope.

Telling the story behind these images is just as important as the images themselves. And Lashea was kind enough to share a little piece of her journey through motherhood to go along with her images. Thank you Snyder family for being brave to share these images and your story. I am sure it will touch many hearts. You all are incredible and I love you with my whole heart.

After marrying the man of my dreams and calling his daughter mine. We had our first baby together and almost lost her when she was just a couple of days old bc her lungs were not developed and she became hypothermic. Thank the good lord above she pulled through it. When she was 6 months old we were pregnant again. Unfortunately and heartbreakingly we lost this baby. I was so depressed but had to stay strong for my girls. Fast forward to today. I have a beautiful 6 year old step-daughter and 21 month old daughter and we are so excited to say that we will be having a baby boy in just a few days!. This is our last and he is our little rainbow baby. We are beyond blessed to have all the babies that we do.