Autumn & Blake | Engagement Photographer | Somerset, Kentucky

I am so excited to share this session with you all. When I first started talking to Autumn and was getting to know Blake and her’s story, my heart completely melted for the two of them. And then when I met them in person for the first time this past Tuesday for their Engagement session, it was clear to me that they were truly meant for one another.

Their session took place at Autumn’s aunt’s home which had a absolutely gorgeous area with a creek in the backyard. After being stuck in the house for 2 months during quarantine, that little slice of heaven was much needed and it made for the perfect setting for their session. Below is a interview I did with Autumn and Blake, to help share their love story to go along with their gallery. Also, wait until you see the last few photos, they will crack you up. Guess the movie if you understand where they found the inspiration for the funny poses.

1. How did you both first meet?

A. Blake and I went to the same school from kindergarten to senior year. He was a grade ahead of me. We didn’t actually know each other till high school. My junior year/his senior year we had chemistry together, and we have had chemistry together ever since.

2. What is one thing you remember about your first date? What is His?

A. Autumn: We actually went on our first date to the movies in November of 2015. I just remember both of us being so nervous and shy. We were both talkative in school, but we hadn’t ever hung outside of school. I also thought he was pretty cool in his mustang lol Blake: We went to the movies, and it was the first time that it was just us. I was pretty nervous and shy. After the first date was out of the way, the next one went much better, and we both started acting ourselves around each other.

3. When did you know that he was the one for you? What about for him?

A. Autumn: I knew that Blake was the one for me when we went on our first trip together. It was about a month after we started officially dating. We went to a Cincinnati Reds game together and had the best time. It ended with him telling me he loved me for the first time. After that, I just knew he was the one. Blake: I knew she was the one for me after we went out on a date to the reds game and out to eat. We had a blast, and the whole drive back home I just kept thinking about how great of a day we had, and how great she was. When I dropped her off that night I told her I loved her for the first time.

4. How did he purpose to you?

A. So, Blake & I bought a house back in December. We have been fixing it up ever since we bought it. Honestly, I don’t think anything in the house will be the same lol. One day, he was working on putting tile in the bathroom which is connected to our bedroom. I walked in the bedroom, and there he was down on one knee asking me to marry him. It was a complete surprise. It is a memory I will cherish forever, right in our future bedroom. 

5. How did you feel in that moment?

A. It was the happiest moment of my life so far. I was also in shock because I was not expecting it at all. All the tears started to flow, and Blake was already crying before he asked me. It was truly so special.

6. What are you most excited about getting married?

A. I’m so excited to marry Blake. I think the thing I’m most excited for is getting to live together with our dogs. Blake & I both still live at home with our parents. We both have always lived in the house we grew up in. Neither of us have ever moved before, so it is going to be a new experience for both of us. I’m excited to wake up to him & our dogs in the same house everyday.

7. What is your favorite quality about him? What about his favorite quality of you?

A. Autumn: My favorite thing about Blake is how hard working he is. He can literally do anything he sets his mind to. He has remodeled our whole house almost by himself. He amazes me everyday with how talented and smart he really is. I also just love how goofy he is when it is just us. He is the funniest person, and we are always laughing together. Blake: One of my favorite qualities about her is her goofy personality. She can literally spend the whole day dancing around, and acting crazy if you will let her lol. She also has a huge heart.

8. What do you both love to do together during your spare time? Like activities or hobbies you share?

A. Blake & I are always busy. We are either working at our jobs, working on the house, or I am studying for my nursing tests. We rarely get free time to just spend together. When we do get time, it is really special. We honestly just like to relax and watch netflix, or we like to go on car rides to get ice cream. We also like to go shoot guns or go fishing. We also love to be on the lake.

9. What do you think life will feel like after marriage?

A. I think life after marriage will be peaceful and happy. Blake & I always have the best time together. It will just be us and the dogs. How could it get any better than that? I am just so ready to begin our life together.

10. Anything else you’d love to add about your love story?

A. I just think what we have is so special. We really are so in love, and we have been since high school. I found the love of my life at the age of 16, not many people can say that. He has been the best prom date, adventurer, study partner, and best friend that I could ever have. I can’t wait for him to be the best husband and dad one day